Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Next Cluster

This blog actually started as a project to document the installation, configuration, and management of a massive ~160 processor HPC cluster that was just donated to Trinity. Needless to say, the time required to write my thesis, manage my business, and actually assemble the cluster has sapped all the time that I planned to use to write about the process. Thus, the blog has been renamed, and retooled to just be yet another blog about technology, albeit from an atypical perspective. Stay tuned for information about the cluster, among other things, as soon as I manage to find the time to post them.

In the mean time, you might want to check out 'The QuadCast!' Part radio show, part podcast, part senioritis, part content syndication experiment, and all kinds of tech: it's exactly the kind of project that I participate in when I should really be sleeping more. Aside from the radio show produced by my three roomates (thus, the title) we are also syndicating the content from two other shows broadcast on WRTC Hartford. Never has a few disused and obsolete Sun workstations and a limited quantity of student webspace on an ancient unix machine been so aptly used. More on the tech that powers "The QuadCast" as well as an inside look at my ambitions on content publishing should be coming soon. Again, time permitting.

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